Community Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday
Volunteers are needed for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner, 3 p.m., Wednesday at the Kittitas Valley Event Center Armory. Call the Adult Activity Center at 509-962-7242 to sign up to help or donate.
CWU’s “A Christmas Carol” production opens Friday
CWU Theatre Department’s production of “A Christmas Carol” opens at 7:30 p.m. Friday in McConnell Auditorium. The show continues with performances on Saturday and Sunday and then returns on the weekend of Dec. 1. Tickets are $20 for general admission.
EHS Fall Play on stage this weekend
The Ellensburg High School Fall Play production of “Play On!” enters its final weekend of performances today and Saturday at the Morgan Performing Arts Center. There will be 7 p.m. showings each day with an additional 2 p.m. performance on Saturday. Tickets are $15 for general admission.
Community choir concert Friday
Community choir groups Vox Humana Vocal Ensemble and Valley Voices Community Choir will present Kindness is Free – Share the Wealth, a Choir Concert Benefit for the National Alliance on Mental Illness at tonight, at the United Methodist Church. The concert is free but donations to NAMI Kittitas are welcome.
Roundtable discussion focuses on cultural appropriation
CWU’s Museum of Culture and Environment hosts “Cultural Appropriation: A Roundtable” at noon, today in the museum in Dean Hall. The event features indigenous scholars from across the state.
Human Library on tap Saturday
The Human Library will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Saturday at Hal Holmes Community Center. The Human Library facilitates conversations that challenge stigma and stereotypes. People are on loan to answer and discuss difficult questions on topics such as mental health, disability, ethnicity, gender, ideology, dependence, occupation and race. The event is sponsored by the CWU Ethics Lab, the Ellensburg Public Library and the Friends of the Ellensburg Library.
PUNCH Projects welcomes Star Anna
Star Anna will perform at the PUNCH Projects Firehouse in Thorp at 2 p.m., Saturday. The November exhibit at PUNCH is Hanging Gardens by Renee Adams.
CWU Fall Choir Concert Sunday
CWU choirs present their Fall Choral Concert, “A Breeze of Fall,” at 4 p.m., Sunday in the McIntyre Music Building. Tickets are $15 for general admission.
Slide show details mountaineering adventure
Jeff Hashimoto and Langdon Ernest-Beck will present Human Powered Hundred Slideshow at 2 p.m., Sunday at Hal Holmes Community Center. Hashimoto and Ernest-Beck climbed Washington’s 100 highest mountains in 107 days without burning any fossil fuel for transportation this past summer.
Community Christmas sponsors needed
The FISH Community Food Bank needs donors to adopt families in the Community Christmas program. As of Thursday, there were 203 families signed up and only 99 donors. The program provides gifts for children and seniors. More information is available on the FISH Facebook page.
CWU men’s basketball host tourney
CWU’s men’s basketball team hosts the CWU Tournament on Friday and Saturday, featuring the Wildcats, Northwest Nazarene, Cal State LA and Westminster of Utah. Central plays Cal State LA at 7 p.m., Friday, and Westminster at 7 p.m., Saturday.
Wildcats compete in football playoffs
The CWU football team faces Western Colorado at 11 a.m., Saturday, in the first round of the NCAA Division 2 playoffs in Gunnison, Colorado.
Central sends cross country runner to nationals
After winning the NCAA Division 2 West Regional cross country race last Saturday, Central’s Johan Correa will compete in the championship race at 9:15 a.m., Saturday in Joplin, Missouri. Correa is the first CWU runner to win the regional title.
The FISH Open Table lunch is breakfast hash, peaches and garlic toast. The lunch is open to all seniors age 60-plus from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Ellensburg, and noon to 1 p.m., in Cle Elum. Meal sites are the Ellensburg Open Table and the Cle Elum Seventh-day Adventist Church. The community lunch for anyone needing a hot meal is from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Ellensburg location.
The forecasted high today in Ellensburg is 45 degrees. Sunset is at 4:25 p.m., and the expected nighttime low is 27 degrees. Winds will be light and variable.