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  • Writer's pictureMike Gallagher

Ellensburg Community Morning Show, Wednesday, March 20

The Craig's Hill slope as it leads down to the Kittitas Valley Event Center will be addressed as part of the Reed Park Master Plan process.


City Council approves Reed Park master plan

The Ellensburg City Council approved a Reed Park master plan option that maintains parking spaces along the park’s outlook and adds a sidewalk along the perimeter. The option had the support of the American Legion Post, which makes use of the Vista House on Craig’s Hill. The adoption came after a couple of hours of public testimony, primarily opposed to the option adopted, specifically due to concerns with the location of the sidewalk along the top of the hillslope and the potential for increasing erosion. Council members emphasized that geotechnical studies are required before any work is conducted, and the plan would be implemented over four years as funding becomes available.

Ad hoc committee to review sleep center

The city’s Ad Hoc Committee for Homelessness will review the alternate proposals for a sleep center submitted by the public and hold a public meeting on April 19 to discuss and review the proposals. At its last meeting, the council responded to concerns about siting the sleep center on South Ruby Street by putting a call out to the public for alternate locations. The council was told at Monday’s meeting that five site options had been received and that the cutoff for submitting is April 15. The Kittitas Valley Ministerial Association has indicated it no longer wants to manage the Cold Weather Shelter, which uses churches in the city. The council is working to have another option in place before the winter months.

Forum focuses on climate change and agriculture

A forum on climate change and agriculture in Kittitas County is set for 7 p.m., today, at the Odd Fellows Lodge. The forum is sponsored by the Odd Fellows and the League of Women Voters of Kittitas County. It will feature speakers from the Department of Ecology, the USDA and Washington State University extension. I will include a question-and-answer session.

Learn about solar eclipse

CWU physics professor Cassandra Fallscheer presents April 2024: The Great North American Eclipse at 6:30, today at Hal Holmes Community Center. People attending receive free solar viewing gasses and can check out the sun through a sun telescope. 

Coffee with Council on Thursday

This month’s Coffee with Council is at 3 p.m., Thursday at D&M Coffee Downtown. Two council members will attend and share conversation and coffee.

Chamber Gala on Thursday

The annual Chamber Awards Gala is at 6 p.m., Thursday, in the Student Union Ballroom. Business awards will be announced and there will be a silent auction. The price of the ticket includes dinner.

Plots available at community garden

Plots are available for rent at the Wipple Park Community Garden in West Ellensburg. The cost is $20 per plot with a maximum of three plots. There are 31 ground-level beds, seven of which are ADA-accessible. The rental season starts April 1. To secure a garden bed you must register in person at the Kittitas Valley Memorial Pool.


The FISH Open Table Lunch is honey-mustard ham and scalloped potatoes, green beans, a roll and pears. The lunch is open to all seniors age 60-plus from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Ellensburg, and noon to 1 p.m., in Cle Elum. Meal sites are the Ellensburg Open Table and the Cle Elum Seventh-day Adventist Church. The community lunch for anyone needing a hot meal is from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Ellensburg location.


The forecasted high today in Ellensburg is 66 degrees. Sunset is at 7:15 p.m., and the expected nighttime low is 38 degrees. Winds will be 10 to 20 mph.



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